Thursday, August 14, 2008

Christina McPhee: Take note "War as a way of life"

Curated by Clayton Campbell
September 27 – December 19, 2008
Reception: Saturday, September 27, 6:00-9pm
Main Gallery

War as a Way of Life, concludes our four part series, The Future of Nations, a year long conversation about important election year issues. Presenting a stellar group of international and Californian visual artists, War As a Way of Life examines the phenomenology of how people who are exposed to long term effects of war or conflict are transformed. Using photography, video, mixed media, and painting, the artists look at how war which is either abroad, in our own neighborhoods, or even in our families, is affecting future generations perceptions of themselves and their communities.

Artists Include: Susan Crile, Binh Danh, Barry Frydlender, Hometown Baghdad, Marty Horowitz, Cindy Kane, Ronald Lopez, Christina McPhee, Catherine Opie, Stacy Peralta, David Reeb, Sinan Leong Revell, Daniel Ruanova, Larry Scarpa, Mark Spencer, and: Amitis Motevalli , 18th Street Artist Fellow

The exhibit will open on Saturday September 27, 6 to 9PM.- that night the entire center will be open (all studios) in addition to the gallery exhibition. Plus, Azatlan Underground will be playing a free concert. There will be a 36 page catalogue with the exhibit.

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